Credit Cards

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Credit Cards


Enjoy privillege of credit card insurance package

Privillege for credit cardholder


1. Benefits for VIB credit cards with card insurance registration

  • Discount instant 1% interest rate/year
  • Free 100% below charging fee (*):
    • Card product change fee
    • Card limit adjustment fee
    • Auto debit service fee
    • Dispute fee
    • PIN reissue fee
    • Statement/Sales slip retrieval fee
  • No limited quantity of eligible customers
  • View detail Benefits (means General insurance rules) here

2. Summary of product benefits with maximum of indemnity limit

Travel guard insurance

The insured incidents Platium / World Class Classic / Gold Class
Delayed luggage 12.65 millions/each and every incident/year 9.2 millions/each and every incident/year
Lost luggage 23 millions/each and every incident/year 11.5 millions/each and every incident/year
Delayed flight trip in foreign country 4.6 millions/6 delayed hours, up to 12 hours for each and everything incident/year 2.3 millions/6delayed hours, up to 12 hours for each and everything incident/year

Late payment fee insurance

Late payment reasons Platium / World Class Classic / Gold Class
Cardholders/their spouse/children under 18 years old (legally) have an accident or disease that requires inpatient treatment 2 millions for each accident/card/year (**) 2 millions for each accident/card/year (**)
Fire, explosion, natural disaster for their own house

Credit card insurance for lost, stolen, accident

The insured incidents Platium / World Class Classic / Gold Class
Card replacement fee 10% Sum Insured
up to VND 10 millions for each each and every incident/year (**)
10% Sum Insured
up to VND 10 millions for each each and every incident/year (**)
The amount that culprit uses card to purchase goods/withdraw cash via ATM
Damaged goods that the insured has just used credit card to purchase

Heath insurance

The insured incidents Platium / World Class Classic / Gold Class
Risk for death or permanent disablement (from 81% upward) due to accidents; unexpected illness and diseases 100% credit card limit (**) 100% credit card limit (**)
Missing declared by a competent court in Vietnam in accordance with the law

3. Insurance Premium

Insurance Premium (***)

Payment Cycle   Price (include VAT)
1 month  0.1265%* credit limit
3 months   0.1139%* credit limit*3
6 months  0.1075%* credit limit*6
12 months  0.1012%* credit limit*12


  • Insurance fee will be auto-charged in credit card outstanding balance and displayed on statement
  • Insurance validity starts from next day since the date of posting insurance premium in VIB system
  • Insurance validity will be ended if account status is expired, canceled, delinquency, blocked by breaking the terms and conditions of credit card usage
  • In case Customer requests to cancel insurance, the amount of paid fee is not refundable. Card holder will be got insured till to the end of insurance validity
  • Details of specify insurance benefits, indemnity limit, exclusion points will be displayed on the insurance contract which sending directly to credit cardhoder
  • Store fully documents/bills/invoices (orginal version) relating your transactions to be evidence when claim indemnity further.

(*) The insurance package still is effective when tracking rewards
(**) This is total indemnity limit of all incidents
(***) The insurance premium can be changed and informed to card holders by any methods as VIB decide.

All of features and insurance benefits presented herein are of summarized nature and for reference only. All features and conditions thereof shall be carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions as approved by the Ministry of Finance. Please carefully study the terms and conditions to master your benefits, products, features, charges and access to the insurance rules via document name displayed at Benefit Details attachment.

The product is developed by Bao Minh Insurance as approval of the Ministry of Finance and distributed by Vietnam International Bank (VIB)



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