Important warning about bank fraud and impersonation
Recently, many criminals have pretended to be Bank employees and contact Cardholder to scam with many sophisticated scenarios, for example:
- Pretend to be a Government employee, contact via phone, Zalo, Facebook, etc. to discuss Tax or Electronic Identity issues and convince customers
+ Download applications from fake websites.
+ Install the fake app and allow full control for the app to function.
After successful installation, your phone is controlled by remote criminals, they steal information, take over the right to use the banking application and perform transactions to appropriate money.
- Fraudulently uses a phone number similar to the Bank's switchboard number, sends and requires you to scan a QR code to lead to a fake Bank website. After you fill in the login information such as: login name, account password, full name, ID card/CCCD number, card number, card expiration date, CVV code and OTP code, the subject will gain access. Use an internet banking account or credit card and make transactions to appropriate money.
- Counterfeit is supporting the processing of card service requests (card closure, limit increase, etc.) or supporting card information confirmation and asking you to provide card number, expiration date, CVV code, code OTP to make unauthorized transactions.
VIB does not have any relationship or cooperation with those organizations and individuals and is always committed to absolute confidentiality of customer information.
Important Notes for Customers:
1. Do not download unfamiliar applications, do not click on links/QR Codes sent via text messages or anonymous accounts. Only install software provided by trusted developers on the Google Play Store and Apple Store2. VIB only calls customers through the following phone numbers:
2. Do not provide card information or OTP code to anyone, including Bank staff.
3. VIB only calls customers through the following phone numbers:
- Customers using Viettel and Mobifone subscribers: the call shows the incoming VIB brand.
- Other carriers: will display VIB's phone number according to the following information:
Call type |
Display number |
Call to open card |
02873062222; 0379757068; 0337705366; 0337753466; 0337731566; 0901800993; 0901800882; 0901800292 |
Call to verify card |
02473005525; 0335503199; 0335507266; 0335521599; 0335529566; 0335570266; 0335587899; 0338835499; 0338843199; 0938841999; 0901800445; 0901800441; 0901800447; 0901800484; 0901800454; 0901800747; 0901800424 |
Voice Bot AI call |
02873002666; 0339927786; 0339930586; 0339930689; 0339971186; 00901800585; 00931800887; 0901800121; 2873005678; 0336601599; 0336620199; 0336623166; 0336638566; 0336642599; 0336643566; 0336651066; 0336675466; 0901800887; 0901800337; 0901800115; 0901800334; 0901800663; 0901800667; 0901800662; 0901800331; 02873026688; 0339926466; 0339943899; 0339950386; 0339980386; 0901800773; 0901800252; 0901800776; 0901800771 |
Call after-sales |
02473053565; 0353982386; 00355682386; 0337704166; 0337725299; 00931800991; 0901800515; 02473062222; 0338827966; 0338840366; 0338865788; 0338870166; 00901893328; 0901800552; 0901800553; 0901800554 |
In case you detect an abnormal transaction, please login MyVIB or contact Hotline 1800 8195 to immediately lock your card and replace it safely.
4. Lock Online transaction Function on MyVIB if you have no need.
5. VIB only publishes content on the following official media channels:
- Official website at
- Facebook VIB – Ngân hàng Quốc Tế
- Instagram Ngân hàng số MyVIB
- Zalo VIB – Ngân hàng Quốc Tế
- App MyVIB.
In addition, you can regularly follow the instructions for use and warnings about the safety and security on our website.
Stay alert to credit card scams
Recognize calls from VIB