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1. Definitions of Terms
1.1 Bank/VIB: Refers to Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank.
1.2 Current Account ("CA"): Refers to the current account opened by Customer at VIB in accordance with the procedure for opening and using current accounts for individual customers at VIB. A current account must not be a joint account with other individuals/organizations.
1.3 Customer (“Customer”): The current account holder (a Vietnamese individual customer and resident) activates/registers the Super Account feature.
1.4 Super Account feature: One of the features of the current account service provided to Customers, which registered for a specific Current Account. Under this feature, the Customer commits to maintaining a specific balance in the CA (the Registered Maintenance Balance or Standard Threshold) and agrees to utilize the amount exceeding the Registered Maintenance Balance, but not exceeding the Permitted Value, to participate in other products, services, or transactions as per specific agreements/contracts under these terms and conditions.
The Super Account feature does not apply to CAs registered with the auto-debit feature for loan repayments (excluding Credit cards).
1.5 High-Yield Certificate (HYC): Refers to the certificate of deposit issued by VIB under the Terms and Conditions for High-Yield Certificates, as published on the website and/or at VIB's business units. Customers may transfer or receive transfers of the HYC from/to other HYC holders at specific times when participating in the Super Account feature. For clarification, Customers do not purchase HYC directly from VIB.
1.6 Digital Banking Services (“E-Banking”): Refers to banking services provided by VIB, enabling Customers to use banking products, services, and other features or utilities via electronic means to conduct transactions at VIB. E-Banking services include but are not limited to: Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, SMS Banking, and other electronic banking services provided by VIB from time to time.
1.7 MyVIB: Refers to the Mobile Banking electronic service provided by VIB.
1.8 Super Account: Refers to a ledger account (directory) used to manage all High-Yield Certificates (HYC) owned by the Customer, displayed on MyVIB.
1.9 Registered Maintenance Balance (Standard Threshold): Refers to the minimum balance the Customer registers for their Current Account when participating in the Super Account feature, in compliance with VIB's regulations from time to time. The amount exceeding the Standard Threshold and within the Permitted Value is agreed by the Customer to participate in products/services to optimize returns.
1.10 Permitted Value (Maximum Ownership Limit): Refers to the maximum monetary value allowed for participation in other products and services under the Super Account feature, as stipulated by VIB.
1.11 Available Limit: the total balance of the Customer's current account and the total balance of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit owned by the Customer in the Super High-Yield Account. The available limit represents the maximum value for which the Customer's payment/transfer transactions can be executed, subject to the terms outlined in Clause 2.3 below.
2. Agreement for Using the Super Account Feature
By registering to use the Super Account feature, in addition to the Current Account Opening and Usage Agreement established with VIB, the Customer agrees to the terms of using the Super Account feature as follows:
2.1The Customer agrees to ensure that the Available Limit when participating in the Super Account feature is always greater than the total of the Standard Threshold on the Current Account and the minimum value required to participate in (a) product(s)/service(s) or perform other transactions (including receiving transfers/purchasing High-Yield Certificates at specific times).
2.2Regarding the Customer's transaction to receive transfer/purchase HYC:
2.2.1. The Customer agrees and authorizes VIB to automatically debit the amount exceeding the Standard Threshold on the Customer's CA but not exceeding the Permitted Value to pay for the transfer/purchase price of the HYC according to the Transfer Agreement (Buy/Sell) for HYCs (Framework Agreement) established by the Customer and the transferor/seller (the party named in the Framework Agreement), and the Confirmation of Sale and Payment Request issued by the transferor/seller (the party named in the Framework Agreement) and sent to VIB.
2.2.2. The Customer and the transferor/seller (the party named in the Framework Agreement) request VIB to confirm the transaction of transferring the HYC according to the Framework Agreement and the Confirmation of Sale and Payment Request as follows:
- The transferee/purchaser: Customer;
- The transferor/seller: the party named in the Framework Agreement and the Confirmation of Sale and Payment Request and the owner of the HYC;
- Number of HYCs purchased, purchase price: as per the Confirmation of Sale and Payment Request.
2.2.3 The Customer has full ownership of the HYC and the rights and benefits arising from the HYC from the moment the transaction to receive the HYC transfer is completed according to the Framework Agreement and the Confirmation of Sale and Payment Request (upon completion of payment and VIB's confirmation of the transfer by recording the Customer's ownership of the HYC in VIB's system).
2.3Regarding the Customer's transaction to transfer/sell HYC:
2.3.1 At the time the Customer authenticates the payment transfer/transaction with a value that exceeds the balance on the CA but is within the Available Limit, the Customer commits and agrees irrevocably that:
- The Customer confirms the intention to transfer/sell the HYC to ensure that the CA balance is sufficient for payment/transfer and meets the Standard Threshold.
- The Customer confirms the agreement to transfer/sell the HYC to the transferee/purchaser (the party named in the Framework Agreement), specifically:
The number of transferable/sellable HYC: N, calculated using the formula below (N is rounded up to the nearest whole number and does not exceed the number of Super Interest Rate Term Deposits currently owned).
N = (Payment value/Transfer-Current CA balance + Amount required for Standard threshold) / Denomination of HYC
(In which the denomination of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit is VND 1,000,000)
2.3.2 The Customer and the transferee/purchaser (the party named in the Framework Agreement) request VIB to confirm the HYC transfer transaction according to the Framework Agreement, as follows:
- The transferor/seller: The Customer and the owner of the HYC;
- The transferee/purchaser: The party named in the Framework Agreement;
- The number of transferable/sellable HYC: N, calculated using the formula below (N is rounded up to the nearest whole number and does not exceed the number of Super Interest Rate Term Deposits currently owned).
N = (Payment value/Transfer-Current CA balance+Amount required for Standard threshold) / Denomination of HYC
(In which the denomination of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit is VND 1,000,000)
2.4For transactions where the Customer transfers/sells the Super High-Yield Term Deposit on the day before the Maturity Date:
2.4.1 On the business day immediately preceding the Maturity Date of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit held by the Customer, the Customer commits and agrees not to unilaterally cancel, transfer, or sell the entire Super High-Yield Term Deposit that has one day remaining until the Maturity Date.
2.4.2 The Customer and the transferee/buyer (the party named in the Framework Agreement) request VIB to confirm the transfer of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit according to the Framework Agreement, specifically:
- Transferor/Seller: The Customer and the owner of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit;
- Transferee/Buyer: The party named in the Framework Agreement;
- Quantity of Super High-Yield Term Deposits to be transferred/sold: The entire Super High-Yield Term Deposit with 1 day remaining until the Maturity Date.
2.5For the Customer's modification/adjustment of the Standard Threshold:
2.5.1. In case the Customer modifies/adjusts the registered Standard Threshold, the modification/adjustment will take effect immediately at the time of the change.
2.5.2. If the modification/adjustment of the Standard Threshold results in the Customer meeting the conditions to purchase additional Super High-Yield Term Deposits:
- If the modification/adjustment is made before the final daily purchase transaction, the Customer agrees to proceed with the transfer/purchase of Super High-Yield Term Deposits on the same day.
- If the modification/adjustment is made after the final daily purchase transaction, the Customer agrees to proceed with the transfer/purchase of Super High-Yield Term Deposits on the following day, provided the Customer continues to meet the conditions for purchasing additional Super High-Yield Term Deposits.
2.5.3. In the event of a change/adjustment to the Standard Threshold, where the value of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit held by the Customer exceeds the allowable purchase value under the new Standard Threshold, requiring the Customer to transfer/sell a portion of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit, such change/adjustment to the Standard Threshold shall be deemed as the Customer's irrevocable consent to confirm the transfer/sale transaction of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit at that moment, with specific details as outlined below. Clause 2.3.2 shall apply (except for the provisions regarding the calculation of N).
The number of transferable/sellable HYC: N (rounded up to the nearest whole number and not exceeding the number of Super Interest Rate Term Deposits currently owned).
N = ( Value owned Deposit Certificates – Permissible Value Purchasing Deposit Certificates under New Standard Threshold) / Denomination of HYC
(In which the denomination of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit is VND 1,000,000)
2.6For transactions where the customer transfers/sells HYC to ensure the maintenance of the Standard Threshold:
2.6.1. At the time when the CA balance falls below the Standard Threshold, the customer commits and irrevocably agrees that:
- The customer confirms the need to transfer/sell HYC to ensure the maintenance of the Standard Threshold, and
- The customer agrees to transfer/sell HYC to the transferee/buyer (the party named in the Framework Agreement), specifically:
Number of transferred/sold HYC: N, calculated using the formula below (N is rounded up to the nearest whole number and does not exceed the number of HYC currently owned).
N = (Standard Threshold – Current Account Balance) / Denomination of HYC
(In which the denomination of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit is VND 1,000,000)
2.6.2. The customer and the transferee/buyer (the party named in the Framework Agreement) request VIB to confirm the transfer transaction of HYC, specifically:
- Transferor/Seller: The customer and owner of the HYC;
- Transferee/Buyer: The party named in the Framework Agreement;
- Number of transferred/sold HYC: N, calculated using the formula below (N is rounded up to the nearest whole number and does not exceed the number of HYC currently owned).
N = (Standard Threshold – Current Account Balance) / Denomination of HYC
(In which the denomination of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit is VND 1,000,000)
2.7The Customer agrees to allow VIB to send the following information to the party named in the Framework Agreement as received by VIB:
- For the purpose of calculating and executing High-Yield Certificate transfer/sale transactions with the Customer: Account balance (amount exceeding the Customer's Standard Threshold on the CA, but not exceeding the Permitted Value);
- For the purpose of calculating and executing the transfer/purchase of High-Yield Certificates with the Customer:
- In case the Customer requests to make a payment/transfer exceeding the current account balance: The payment/transfer amount, the Customer’s current account balance, the Registered Maintenance Balance, and the date(s) of previous Super High-Yield Term Deposit transfers/purchases.
- In case the Customer modifies/adjusts the registered Standard Threshold and the value of the Super High-Yield Term Deposits owned exceeds the Permissible Value under the new Standard Threshold: The number of Super High-Yield Term Deposits owned, the Permissible Value, and the date(s) of previous Super High-Yield Term Deposit transfers/purchases.
- In case the Customer cancels/deactivates the Super Account feature: The number of Super High-Yield Term Deposits owned and the date(s) of previous Super High-Yield Term Deposit transfers/purchases.
- In the case where the customer transfers/sells the Super Interest Rate CCTG on the day immediately preceding the Payment Due Date as specified in Section 2.4.1 above: The quantity of Super Interest Rate CCTG with one day remaining until the Payment Due Date and the previous date of receiving the transfer/purchase of the Super Interest Rate CCTG.
- In the case where the customer transfers/sells HYC to ensure the Standard Threshold: the number of HYC currently owned, current account balance, registered maintenance balance, and the date of previous receipt of transferred/purchased HYC.
- To support customer identification: The Customer's identification details registered with VIB during the account opening and updates to such details over time.
2.8The Customer can check the information of the High-Yield Certificates owned by them in the Super Account displayed on MyVIB.
2.9The Customer agrees that the registered current account for the Super Account feature will also be the account used to receive interest income generated from the Customer's High-Yield Certificates held with VIB, or funds from the sale/transfer of such certificates.
2.10 Each Customer is allowed to register for the Super Account Feature for only one Current Account. If the registered Current Account for the Super Account Feature is closed, the Super Account Feature will be terminated accordingly. The Customer may cancel/disable the Super Account Feature by confirming the action on MyVIB. If the Customer confirms the cancellation/disabling of the Super Account Feature, it shall be deemed as the Customer’s irrevocable consent to confirm the transfer/sale of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit with the specific quantity as stated below. Clause 2.3.2 shall apply (except for the provisions regarding the calculation of N).
The quantity of transferred/sold High-Yield Certificates: All HYDCs owned by the Customers.
2.11The Bank reserves the right to terminate the Super Account feature and any future payment authorizations by notifying the Customer.
When VIB ceases to provide the Super Account feature, the Customer will still retain ownership of the High-Yield Certificates they have received through this feature and any rights and obligations regarding these certificates as per VIB's regulations.
2.12 The Customer agrees to waive any claims against VIB for losses arising from non-timely payments or failure to process payments related to transactions originating from the Super Account feature, including payments related to the transfer of High-Yield Certificates or late payments due to insufficient account balance.
2.13The Customer agrees to waive any liability for the Bank regarding service payments, errors, or mistakes in payments not caused by the Bank.
2.14VIB will not be held liable for any damage directly or indirectly caused to the Customer by automatic payment transactions, whether successful or unsuccessful, under the Sale Confirmation cum Payment Request, or due to erroneous debiting of the Customer's account due to incorrect information received by VIB. In such cases, the Customer agrees to cooperate with VIB and any third parties involved to resolve the matter and return any wrongly credited amounts to VIB.
2.15VIB will only execute transactions based on documents, data, and transactions that are in compliance with the terms of these Conditions. If any document, data, or transaction received by VIB from the Customer or from a third party involved in the transfer/receipt of transfers does not meet the required standards or shows signs of doubt, VIB reserves the right to refuse service.
2.16Upon receiving the Framework Agreement, Sale Confirmation cum Payment Request, or any other documents, materials, or data from the Customer or the party conducting the transfer/receipt of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit with the Customer, VIB will only perform a surface-level check of the compliance of such documents/data and shall bear no responsibility for their authenticity, falsification, or legal validity. The parties agree that VIB may proceed to provide services based on the aforementioned documents/data without any obligation to verify whether they were prepared in accordance with legal regulations. Furthermore, VIB is not required to request or demand proof or evidence of the authenticity of these documents/data, even if disputes arise in relation to the transfer/receipt of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit between the Customer and the other party involved in the transaction.
2.17The Customer agrees that VIB has the right to change, amend, adjust these Terms and Conditions, temporarily lock/suspend/terminate/ refuse/modify/supplement/change the interface/rename the product, and make other adjustments related to providing the Super Account feature to the Customer. In such events, the Customer agrees that VIB will notify through its website and/or public media and/or by sending a notice to the Customer via one of the following channels: email, landline, SMS to the Customer's registered mobile number, or through Internet Banking. The Customer is responsible for setting up and maintaining accurate contact information (address, phone number, email, etc.) registered with VIB to receive notifications and must inform VIB immediately of any changes to the registered contact information. The changes, amendments, or adjustments will take effect on the date specified in the notice. If the Customer disagrees with any amendments to these Terms and Conditions, the Customer has the right to terminate the use of the Super Account feature and must settle all fees (if any) in accordance with VIB's policy at the time.
2.18For clarification, VIB’s provision of the Super Account feature, related applications, electronic platforms, or performance of tasks under these Terms and Conditions and/or the Framework Agreement and/or the Sale Confirmation cum Payment Request and/or any documents, materials, or data received from the Customer or the party conducting the transfer/receipt of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit does not incur any fees. These services are provided to support the full exercise of the rights of the Super High-Yield Term Deposit holder.
2.19These Terms and Conditions are acknowledged by the Customer on MyVIB and constitute an integral part of the Agreement for Opening and Using a Current Account. They bind the Customer's responsibilities and obligations throughout the process of opening and using the current account, as well as utilizing the Super Account feature at VIB.